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SMLC Prizes and Awards
Thanks to the generous donations of our sponsors, many students of the School of Modern Languages and Cultues at the University of Hong Kong are rewarded every year in acknowledgement of their good work.
2023-2024, the students in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures (SMLC) received the following awards and prizes. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the sponsors; these prizes and awards certainly diversify SMLC students’ learning opportunities on-campus as well as off-campus.



The Consular Book Award in American Studies
The Consular Award for the Study of American Culture
Academic Excellence Award of the U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau


Légion d'Honneur Club Hong Kong Chapter and Consulate General of France Summer Courses Travel Grants
Prize of the Consulate General of France

German Consulate General Book Prize
The University of Freiburg Summer Language Course Scholarship
The University of Tübingen Summer Language Course Scholarship


AEON Scholarship
Resona Bank Scholarship for Japanese Studies
Shun Hing Exchange Scholarships
Soka Makiguchi Foundation
Murakami Fuminobu Memorial Prize in Japanese Studies
Special Honours in Japanese Language

Consulate General of the Republic of Korea Award
​Korea Tourism Organization HK Office Award
Prize of the Korea Tourism Organization HK Office
German Consulate General Book Prize
The University of Freiburg Summer Language Course Scholarship
The University of Tübingen Summer Language Course Scholarship


Consulate General of Spain Prize for the Promotion of Spanish Language and Culture

The Consulate General of Sweden Prize


Previous Awardees
2007-2008 Name List
2008-2009 Name List
2009-2010 Name List
2010-2011 Name List
2011-2012 Name List
2012-2013 Name List
2013-2014 Name List
2014-2015 Name List
2015-2016 Name List
2016-2017 Name List
2017-2018 Name List
2018-2019 Name List
2019-2020 Name List
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