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“From Sketch to Story: The Creative Journey of Adolfo Arranz” — Solo exhibition of Adolfo Arranz's journalistic and personal work

“From Sketch to Story: The Creative Journey of Adolfo Arranz”

Solo exhibition of Adolfo Arranz's journalistic and personal work


Exhibition Duration: 11 Sep - 22 Sep, 2024

Venue: Pao Galleries, 5/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Rd., Wanchai

Time: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm, Mon to Sun

Email (General Enquiry): Mr. Martin Juaristi Garamendi | Spanish Programme, HKU | 

Admission: Free


The Consulate-General of Spain in Hong Kong - in collaboration with the Spanish Programme of The University of Hong Kong and South China Morning Post- is delighted to present "From Sketch to Story: The Creative Journey of Adolfo Arranz", the very first solo exhibition covering the professional and the personal works of this renowned artist. The exhibition explores the intersection of artistic expression and journalistic storytelling in Arranz's visually captivating creations.

Adolfo Arranz is a Spanish artist based in Hong Kong, currently working with Reuters to develop innovative visual presentations of news stories. With a passion for handcrafted illustrations, Arranz creates visual displays that are both informative and appealing.

Throughout his career as a journalist, which led him to work for media outlets such as El Mundo in Spain, Mediacorp in Singapore, and South China Morning Post in Hong Kong, where he rose to various positions during the two periods in which he worked for them (2011-2014 and 2016-2022), he has received over 150 awards for his contributions to visual communication. Among those awards are four gold medals at the Malofiej Awards, a gold in the Society for News Design; on two occasions the Sigma Delta Chi Award from the Society of Professional Journalists of the USA -an award shared with the SCMP graphics team-, a PRINT Award, the Pencil Wood Award, three golds in Wan-Ifra, and he is a four-times winner in the best design category of the Hong Kong News Awards. Back in May of this year, Adolfo was chosen World’s Best Designer by the Society of News Design . Members of the jury praised Arranz's work in the following terms:


“Revealing the unseen is a task that only a few can execute masterfully, and this example is undoubtedly one of them.”

“His illustrations are beautiful and versatile. He is able to cover many different topics and bring the whole piece together and give it a coherent style.”

“His work blurs the line between art and visual journalism, creating beautiful and intriguing stories that take the reader on an exciting journey.”

“The brand identity he has created is followed by many artists and communicators around the globe. It takes a self-taught artist of undoubted prodigious talent to depict information in various narrative moods.”


Arranz has also collaborated with such prestigious publications as Science magazine, National Geographic and Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health Magazine.

This exhibition showcases a selection of Arranz's infographics, which skillfully balance clarity and visual impact. At the same time, visitors can delve into Arranz's creative process through his sketches and materials, which trace the development of his ideas from initial concept to finished infographic.

"From Sketch to Story" also highlights the personal side of Arranz's art, featuring an array of amusing illustrations from his social media, as well as watercolour paintings created for his own pleasure and self-expression. These works reflect the versatility of his artistic talents and his dedication to art beyond journalism.




“從草圖到故事:阿道夫·阿蘭茲 的創作之旅”

阿道夫·阿蘭茲 (Adolfo Arranz) 的 新聞工作和個人創作圖展


展覽日期: 2024年9月11日 至9月22日

場地: 香港藝術中心 包氏畫廊5樓

時間: 星期一 至 星期日, 上午十時 至 下午八時

電郵(一般查詢):Mr. Martin Juaristi Garamendi | Spanish Programme, HKU | 



西班牙駐香港總領事館香港大學西班牙語課程 以及《南華早報》聯合推出 “從草圖到故事:阿道夫·阿蘭茲的創作之旅”,這是該著名藝術家的首次個人圖展,涵蓋了其專業作品和個人作品。在展覽中大家可以探索從阿蘭茲的迷人視覺創作中藝術表達和新聞故事述事之間的交匯點。

阿道夫·阿蘭茲 (Adolfo Arranz) 是一位居住在香港的西班牙藝術家,目前與路透社合作開發新聞報道的創新視覺呈現方式。憑藉對手繪插圖的熱情,阿蘭茲創造了既豐富又有吸引力的視覺展品。

在他的新聞工作生涯中,曾任職於 主流媒體 包括 西班牙《世界報》、新加坡《新傳媒》 以及 在兩段時期 (2011-2014 以及 2016-2022) 於 香港《南華早報》 的不同崗位工作。對視覺溝通的貢獻使他獲得超過 150 個獎項,這些獎項包括四次 Malofiej Awards 金獎、一次Society for News Design 金獎; 他曾兩次與《南華早報》的視覺藝術團隊共同獲得美國專業記者協會頒發的 Sigma Delta Chi Awards、PRINT Award、the Pencil Wood Awards、三次Wan-Ifra 的金獎,並且四次榮獲香港最佳新聞獎設計組冠軍。在今年五月,阿道夫被Society of NewsDesign 評選為世界最佳設計師 。 評審團成員對阿蘭茲的作品給予了以下評價:









“從草圖到故事” 也突顯了阿蘭茲藝術的個性,其中包括來自他社交媒體的一系列有趣的插圖,以及為樂趣和自我表達而創作的水彩畫。這些作品反映了他藝術才華的多樣性以及他對新聞工作以外藝術的奉獻精神。



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