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Photo Exhibition: On the Other Side of the World - Exploring South America

Spanish Programme, School of Modern Languages and Cultures HKU has the pleasure of inviting you to the Photo Exhibition: 

On the Other Side of the World

Exploring South America

Photo Exhibition by Alma Weijia Chen & Ranger Rongze Tang

Date: 21 May – 30 June, 2020

Venue: Ground Floor Gallery, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Alma Weija Chen is a third-year HKU student of Spanish and China Studies. She went to Chile for exchange in 2019, with the impulse of an adventurous spirit to explore the South-American world. Chile is the most distant country from Hong Kong, but no sooner had Alma arrived in Chile than she realized that the distance between the two regions was further beyond the geographical measure of 20,000km. The knowledge gap of each other between Asia and South America is even harder to bridge than the physical isolation.

During the semester break, Alma together with Ranger Rongze Tang, a final-year HKU BBA student, spent two months backpacking in South America, covering Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay. This exhibition highlights some selected photographs from their trip, with which they hope to give a general portrait of the New World from their perspectives to people who are curious about the other side of the world. Alma’s capstone project on the people-to-people relationship between China and Chile at HKU is also inspired by the trip.



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